Sell Your Business
Looking to Sell Your Company? Here's a Potentially Lucrative Exit Plan Every Business Needs to Consider.
Selling to a private equity firm while remaining involved during the growth phase could be the strategy you need — if you're willing to lose everything to try to hit that mark.
Why Every Entrepreneur Needs an Exit Strategy (Before It's Too Late)
You need a plan to ensure you can exit your company when you want to retire or explore other business ventures.
Selling Your Business? Do These 6 Things Right Now.
If you want the maximum price you need to make these moves before you do anything else.
6 Proven Ways to Sell Your Business for 10x or More
Do you own a business with dreams of selling it one day? Here is how to maximize the selling profits of your business.
To Sell or Not to Sell? 6 Steps to Take to Answer This Question.
A big step is to be brutally honest about your company's strengths and weaknesses.
How Instagram's Co-Founder Spent His Year After Facebook's $1 Billion Acquisition
A look at Kevin Systrom's last 12 months -- by way of his Instagram photos.
Are Younger Entrepreneurs Sellouts?
While a new study says Millennials are twice as likely to sell their business, here are a few reasons older entrepreneurs can be willing to sell, too.