
Growing a Business

How Keeping Things Simple Helps Your Company Innovate and Grow

This article explores why simplicity is challenging yet essential, highlighting examples from successful companies like Ikea and Nike, and offers practical advice on how simplifying processes, communications and product development can lead to better outcomes and substantial business success.


3 Lessons I've Learned After 5 Years Leading a Public Company

Simplicity equates to clarity, and in the corporate world, clarity is key to producing results.

Business News

Want to Keep Your Customers? Keep It Simple — Here's Why.

Removing simplicity from your business is one of the easiest traps to fall into — too many offerings, too complicated to purchase, and not solution-orientated enough to solve problems. Return to simplicity, return to profitability.


Why Simplicity Matters in Product Development

For simplicity to happen, it has to be everywhere, embraced by everyone


Embrace the Superpower of Simplicity

Life has gotten far too complicated. Let's celebrate ways to make it simpler.


How Steve Jobs' #1 Design Principle Can Transform Your Daily Life

Steve Jobs believed in simplicity. It's more powerful than you may think.

Thought Leaders

Why Growth Could Be the Worst Thing to Happen to Your Business

Focus on the next customer and the next level will take care of itself.


#9 Things Entrepreneurs Should Learn from Rohan Murty

"Our dreams and hopes come from the people we're surrounded by"


5 Ways to Promote Simplicity and Boost Efficiency

The simpler we can make things the more efficient we can be which will help us achieve better results.


The Phenomenon Called Baba Ramdev

His yoga lesson are easy to follow, his life's philosophies, easier


The 3 Stages of Powerful But Simple Leadership

Simplicity is deceptively challenging to accomplish, but also lies at the heart of a leadership breakthrough.