Startup Profiles

Business News

How One Startup Wants to Solve an 'Insane' Problem for a $400 Billion Industry

Printing piles and piles of Bill Gates' and Steve Ballmer's emails in the early 2000's led to this business idea.


Skincare Startup's Lesson for Online Brands: Looks Matter

The owner of a skincare line wises up to a basic tenet of packaging and watches online sales take off.

Business Ideas

Want to Simplify Life? Dare to Think Tiny

Tumbleweed Tiny House Co. founder Jay Shafer is an evangelist for the updated small-is-beautiful movement.

Thought Leaders

Gemvara Mines Business Success With Customized Bling

A look at the growth spurt of this design-your-own jewelry company, and how its focus on customization helps it stand out in a crowded market.

Starting a Business

Building a Business on Regifting

With Shift My Gift, recipients can donate the money Aunt Gladys wanted to spend on them instead of having to find space for yet another useless tchotchke.


How to Bootstrap Your Business

Starting up a business is a full-time job. So how do you manage it when you already have a full-time job? Here's how a few entrepreneurs juggled both to payoff.

Starting a Business

Snowboard Upstarts Break New Ground

The snowboarding industry is on fire, as evidenced by these two newcomers proving it with their own spin.

Social Media

Fab Forward: How Found a Niche in a Design Deal Social Hub

With their site stuck in neutral, two entrepreneurs changed gears and paved a new road to success.

Starting a Business

How to Become Your Own Boss

The creators of natural sleep aid Dream Water share how they ditched corporate life and gained national success.

Thought Leaders

How a Craftsman Turned His Handiwork into a Cutting-Edge Business

He was definitely cut out for this business: Quintin Middleton shows off his chops with high-quality culinary cutware.

Business Ideas

How to Start a Business in a Recession

Economic cycles come and go, but businesses must thrive in good times and bad. Fat Straws Bubble Tea's Terry Pham launched during a recession and survived two downturns. Learn how Pham and other entrepreneurs made a go of it in tough times.

Starting a Business

An Entrepreneur With a Cheeky Message and a Social Conscience

Sir Richard's delivers free condoms to developing nations, trading on the buy one, give one away model made famous by TOMS shoes.


Building a (Nearly) Million-Dollar Brand on a Startup Budget

How Perky Jerky has taken its caffeine-infused recipe to the masses.