Ted Cruz
The Day the Polls Stand Still: An Unspoken Critical Infrastructure Threat to Election Security
To protect the security of our electoral processes we need to think like an attacker and truly understand their motives.
Breaking Down the Tactics and Tools the Presidential Candidates Are Using
Sure, President Obama used social media to help him win the 2008 election. But 2016 is a very, very different animal. Millennials, anyone?
This Election We'll Learn If Content Marketing Translates Into Votes
Donald Trump is the clear winner in social media metrics, but whether that gets him to the White House, or even the Republican nomination, remains to be seen.
2016 Presidential Candidates Placing Emphasis on New Marketing Techniques
Candidates from both parties believe the road to the oval office is paved with new technologies.
Big Business Risks Alienating Small Business by Shunning Tea Party
Maintaining an alliance with small-business owners is in the best interests of big-business leaders. Instead, there is a fight brewing.