How Digitising Your Fleet Management Can Save Your Business Both Time and Money
Digitisation and automation play a pivotal role in running an efficient fleet. Both strategies can alleviate the challenges often encountered in fleet management. Here's how you can boost business profitability and efficiencies using telematics.
5 of the Biggest Productivity Challenges Fleet Managers Face in Fleet Management
Fleet managers are faced with several challenges that impact both productivity and profitability when managing a fleet. Here are five of the most common challenges you may be facing and to overcome them by leveraging telematics and workflow automation.
In The Business Of Supporting Businesses
TomTom Telematics' New WEBFLEET solution is designed to help businesses with fleets save on their bottom line, whether they're operating 400 trucks, or four vehicles.
Success Lies In The Details
Overcoming the challenges of a highly commoditised market means you need to be smarter and more cost-efficient than your competitors. Here's how Christoph van Zyl is refocusing his business to achieve just that.
How TomTom Telematics Can Keep Your Business Moving Forward
Successful businesses need to find ways to improve their margins while still delivering excellent and efficient customer service. VDM's CEO, Deon van der Merwe, explains why this wouldn't be possible in his business without TomTom Telematics' solutions.
At The Forefront Of Tech Adoption
Over 80% of South African companies adapt to new technology compared to two thirds in the UK and Europe.
Saving Time When You Need It Most
With the right tools in place, thanks to TomTom Telematics, the company's Emergency medical technicians can reach the scene faster - and as a result, they can concentrate on what they do best, saving lives.
Driving Your Business Growth Towards More Customers
Designed to help its customers get the most from their businesses through the right telematics solution, New WEBFLEET can help you reach your customers quicker, get more done, improve efficiencies, save costs and boost your revenues.
This Industry Veteran Says India Will Become World Leader in IoT in 2-3 Years
"The way we are doing is that we are like a startup in a big tanker, this is a huge advantage," says Reliance Group's IoT unit's CEO.