Tesla Model X

Business News

Report: Tesla to Shut Down Model S and Model X Production for 18 Days

Tesla is reportedly shutting down its Model S and Model X production lines for two weeks over the holidays. Employees will receive one week paid and one week unpaid during the shutdown, CNBC says.

Business News

Elon Musk's L.A. Tunnel Turns Teslas Into a 'Rail-Guided Train'

According to Musk, its cars could drive through it at over 150 MPH.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

The Elon Musk Way of Persevering in the Face of Adversity

His successes are ballyhooed around the world but so are his spectacular failures. Neither defines him near as much as his relentless unstoppability.


Are Self-Driving Cars Good For Insurance?

"If you're hoping to to shave down your premiums, buying an automated vehicle might not be the right move."

Business News

Tesla Plans to Produce 500,000 Cars in 2018

The electric car company puts pedal to the metal with production.


Here's Why You in India Should Care About The Tesla Model 3

From auto pilot mode to super charging and app controlled suspension adjustment, the future of electric cars is here

Business News

Tesla's Sweet Model X Ride for the Whole Family Is Finally Here

Take that, dorky gas-guzzling minivans everywhere.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

An Emotional Elon Musk Admits He's Only 'Tried' to Take Two Weeks Off in Past 12 Years

Saving our species is exhausting. It's time for a break.

Business News

Tesla's Model X Launch Event Is Officially Sept. 29

Tesla will deliver the first of its electric SUVs, the third model for the electric car company.

Business News

Tesla's New Model X Is a $132,000 Ludicrously Fast Beast

Buckle up. Here's what we now know about Tesla's slick new crossover whip.