Visual Presentations: Page 2


6 Steps to Overcoming Stage Fright and Giving a Presentation Everybody Listens To

Maybe you're just presenting the quarterly financials but there's a story in there somewhere. That's what everybody wants to hear.

Business News

The 8 Secret Places to Find the Best Stock Images

Buying and searching for stock images can be a tedious and expensive task, especially if you stick to the standard sites. Here are eight platforms that are flying under the radar.

Business News

The 6 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Creating Infographics

When done correctly, infographics are a powerful tool to tell stories and inform an audience. When done poorly, a brand's integrity comes into question.


Here's How to Create a Mesmerizing Presentation

Presentations can go one of two ways: be a complete snooze fest or an opportunity to get the audience hooked on your company. Here are a few tips on avoiding the drab in lieu of fab.

Social Media

6 Key Shifts in Thinking About Social Media

Findings of a new report show that while there are some constants in social media, marketers are switching up certain important philosophies.


Market Research Has Lost Its Mojo. But Here's How It Can Get It Back.

Now more than ever, consumers want to collaborate with companies and help shape their future.