Women of Color: Page 2


Beyond Erin Brockovich and Mother India: Must-Watch Women's Movies

Here are the best Bechdel test for movies: where at least two women talk to each other about something other than a man.


Smashing the Patriarchy: Online Lingerie Store by Women, for Women

Online lingerie store for women and by women offers privacy and choice to women across India

Thought Leaders

Need to Vent? Forget the Couch, Startup Moves Therapy Online

With digital diaries and video chats, PrettyPaddedRoom.com offers online counseling for woman and a "nice play to go crazy."

Thought Leaders

Build Ethnic Stories that Resonate

We offer examples of successful ads that appeal to multi-influential women of color.

Thought Leaders

Introducing the Multi-Influential Women of Color

With control over 85 percent of purchases, they are the comptrollers of the new consumerism