
Business News

Their Million-Dollar Home Was Listed 'For Sale By Owner' on Zillow for $10,200 — and Not By Them: 'Zero Help'

A Kansas couple has no intention of selling their five-bedroom home, but people keep knocking on their door.

Business News

Zillow Launches 1% Down Payment Mortgage Program Amid Housing Affordability Crisis

The initiative comes amid a nearly 40-year low in housing affordability.

Business News

How Zillow Closing Its Home-Flipping Division Will Cause Long-Term Brand Damage

The company's $540 million loss was just the tip of the iceberg.


Cómo el cierre de Zillow de su división Home-Flipping causará daños a la marca a largo plazo

La pérdida de $ 540 millones de la compañía fue solo la punta del iceberg.

Business News

Zillow Stock is Poised to Hit Home Run

After last year's 650 percent rally, the online real estate marketplace is up 50 percent so far this year.

Business News

Buying a Rival: Zillow CEO Talks Trulia Deal, Integration and Layoffs

Zillow has completed its $2.5 billion acquisition of online real estate rival Trulia.

Real Estate

Zillow to Acquire Chief Competitor Trulia in $3.5 Billion Deal

Following a six-week courtship, two mega real-estate listings websites are joining forces to create a colossal database of digital listings.


Obama Rallies Dream Team of Entrepreneurs at White House

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and designer Tory Burch were among the handful of entrepreneurs who met with President Obama today as he looks to bolster entrepreneurship throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Business News

The 10 Best Cities for Buying or Selling a Home

According to real-estate firm Zillow, sellers on the West Coast have the upper hand, while out East, the equation is reversed.

Social Media

From Google to Warby Parker: The Origins Behind 10 of the Wackiest Company Names

Business owners are increasingly throwing out the rulebook when it comes to playing the name game. Here are the anecdotes behind 10 of our favorites.

Real Estate

The 10 Hottest Housing Markets for 2014

Real-estate firm Zillow predicts the top 10 markets for growth and white-hot housing deals this year.