Anna David

Host of Fail Your Way to Success Podcast

Anna David is one of the world's leading experts on how entrepreneurs can build a business from a book. A NYT bestselling author of eight books, she's also the founder of Legacy Launch Pad Publishing and host of the Fail Your Way to Success podcast. 

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Starting a Business

This Former Banker Turned Janitor Now Makes $10 Million Annually on His Cleaning Business

John Disselkamp used to mop it up at a bank, then decided to mop bathroom floors. It paid off in the end.

Thought Leaders

This Financial Coach Only Understood the Value of Her Work After Her Husband Took His Own Life

Heidi McNulty has incorporated the difficult lessons she's learned into a successful financial coaching business.


She Went from Being Homeless to a $20 Million Real Estate Mogul. And It All Started at a Crime Scene.

Laura Spaulding is CEO of Spaulding Decon, a company that decontaminates homes.

Iniciar un negocio

5 lecciones críticas que aprendí al convertir mi trabajo secundario en un negocio de un millón de dólares

Estos consejos probados te ahorrarán tiempo, harán crecer tu negocio y te harán ganar dinero.

Starting a Business

5 Critical Lessons I Learned Turning My Side Hustle Into a Million-Dollar Business

These tried-and-true tips will save you time, scale your business, and make you money.


Looking for a Game-Changing Way to Showcase Your Expertise? Why a Book Is the 'World's Best Business Card'

Publishing a book, not an Instagram post, is the ultimate way to stand out and boost your credibility in a crowded marketplace.

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