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Business News

President Biden hopes tripled tariffs on China will improve U.S steel

The Biden Administration has announced plans for a new import tax aimed at Chinese steel and materials. On a recent trip to Pittsburgh, the President made the announcement that was...

Business News

Man Faces $70M Medicare Fraud Scheme Charges

A Mississippi man has been charged with multiple offenses relating to $70 million Medicare fraud by the Justice Department. An indictment was unsealed in Tampa last week for Joel Rufus...

Business News

United Airlines records $200m hit from Boeing grounding

United Airlines’ First-Quarter 2024 Financial Results show the impact of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 grounding. The financial report is a stark look at the way the commercial aviation provider...

Business News

Trump Media stock plummets again

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (TMGT) shares plummeted after the entity filed to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to issue 21 million shares. The parent company of...

Business News

Tesla trims workforce by 14,000

Electric automotive giant Tesla is cutting 14,000 jobs as sales have been slowing. Billionaire Elon Musk’s eco-friendly electric car company announced the redundancies, as reported by Elektrek. Musk cuts staff...

Business News

SEC hits investment advisors for violation of marketing rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has cracked down on five registered investment advisers. The SEC imposed fines on five entities for violating marketing rules in what would be the...