Ken Dunn

Founder of Authority Factory

From his original days in police investigation and interrogation, Ken developed a fascination with the human subconscious. Ken now teaches entrepreneurs to build coaching business in the new Knowledge Brokering industry. He has helped hundreds to build six-to-seven-figure coaching businesses.

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5 Self-Publishing Book Tips From the 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' Author Who Has Sold Over 500 Million Copies

Jack Canfield, co-creator of one of the most successful non-fiction series in publishing history, explains how he got started and what he's learned along the way to selling hundreds of millions of copies.

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How Evan Carmichael creates engaging and profitable video content.

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5 Books to Read Before Starting Your Business

From Walt Disney's famous philosophies to the success behind, learn some tricks of the trade before making your own way.


3 Common Gaffes That Sabotage Most Fund-Raising Founders

Raising money is never easy but failure to prepare makes it impossible.


3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Setting Up Their Exit

Business owners commonly wait far too long to get the professional help needed to make the best of what they have built.


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For a business to grow it needs to rely on strong managers with a special set of skills.

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