Culture - Page 3

Ready for the new normal? Find out how to cultivate a strong company culture, whether you're in-person, hybrid or remote, here.

Growing a Business

'A Surprise Around Every Corner' How This Iconic Bookstore's Innovative Mix of New and Used Books Keeps Book Hunters Coming Back for More.

Here's how Powell's City of Books used its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility to create a landmark of literary passion.


I Quit! You Just Don't Know It Yet — How to Stop Disengagement and Ensure Your Employees Remain Vibrant and Productive

Disgruntled or disenchanted employees are giving up and doing the minimum at their jobs. Are people quiet quitting on you?

Business Culture

Avoid These 4 Blunders When Creating a Company Culture

To get a complete picture of whether your brand's atmosphere needs work, observe factors like absenteeism, participation, and body language.

Starting a Business

The Scrappy Origin Story of Toast, the Game-Changing Restaurant Tech Company

Toast CEO and co-founder Aman Narang discusses the company's humble beginnings, their culture of scrappiness, and how they've transformed the way that restaurants do business.

More Posts on Culture


Why We Need to Create Brands That Align Our Purpose, Personality and Practice

Now more than ever — because consumers find an irrational amount of meaning in the brands they trust — awakened brands have the ability to change the world.


7 Tips for Empowering Mothers in the Workplace

Moms make up an important and large segment of the workforce, yet too often have been overlooked in the development of company culture. In this article, we explore seven ways that companies can empower mothers in the workplace, through the lens of my own experience as a mom and CEO.


Firing a Long-Term Employee is Hard — But It's Necessary. Here's Why.

If you have an employee who has been with you for years, they are often "rock star" performers. But, there are times when your long-termers can become bad performers over time.


I Signed a Series A Deal Just Days After Giving Birth. Here's How I Embrace Parenthood and Entrepreneurship By Breaking Stigmas

Let's dismantle the stigma and normalize conversations around pregnancy and motherhood in the workplace.


The Best Work-From-Home Jobs That Actually Pay Well in 2024

If you're tired of commuting to an office and want to work remotely, consider one of these high-quality, work-from-home jobs.

Growing a Business

6 Game-Changing Skills, From Leaders Who Underestimated Them

These business leaders never imagined how important these skills would be.


Studies Show Women Need Each Other's Support to Reach Maximum Success — and I've Experienced This Firsthand. Here's How.

Research shows women who have a close knit group of women to lean on make more money, get access to coveted opportunities and overall experience greater success in their careers. Reflecting on these findings has prompted me to share insights into how I manage my own women's network and how we empower one another to achieve remarkable growth personally and professionally.


A Leadership Shortage Is Coming. Here's What Needs to Happen to Prevent It.

Pay bumps and fancy titles are no longer enough to entice top talent. Management can be a headache and organizations need to make changes. Otherwise, there won't be anyone left to lead. Here's what needs to be done.

Growing a Business

If You Want to Make Millions, Ditch Your Polished Pitch and 'Own Your Crazy' Says This Legendary Branding Guru

Phyllis Williams-Strawder, the self-anointed "Ghetto Country Brandmother," shares her unfiltered thoughts on achieving big success by using your authentic voice.


4 in 5 Employees Want to Learn How to Use AI at Work, New Research Shows — and It's on Leaders to Teach Them. Here's How.

Discover strategies for promoting continuous learning and development, a requisite for survival in today's increasingly AI-powered workplace.


Why Women's Entrepreneurship is Booming Right Now

Women's entrepreneurship has taken some substantial leaps forward in the last few years.