Tim Cook

Business News

These CEOs Have the Biggest Pay Packages in the U.S., According to a New Report

Who are these high-earning CEOs? Broadcom CEO Hock E. Tan tops the list with a pay package of about $162 million.

Business News

Think Your Boss Is Scary? Check Out the Brutal Emails These Tech CEOs Sent Their Employees.

Emails from Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos show that delivery and tone can always be improved — even from the top boss.


Apple se disculpa por spot publicitario del nuevo iPad y lo elimina

Este comercial presenta una trituradora gigante que convierte en chatarra guitarras, pianos y cámaras.


Tim Cook aparece en la presentación de la nueva iPad con unos tenis Nike que no están a la venta

Los tenis son producto de una colaboración entre Apple y Nike, pero por el momento no saldrán a la venta.

Business News

Is It an iPad or a MacBook? Apple Makes It Tough to Tell By Revealing a 13-Inch iPad Pro With 'Outrageously Powerful' M4 Chip for AI

The new iPad keyboard has a function row and larger trackpad "so the entire experience feels just like using a MacBook," said John Ternus, Apple senior vice president of hardware engineering, at Apple's first event of 2024.

Business News

Apple Is Reportedly Working on Prototypes for at Least 2 Foldable iPhones

Apple has been looking into foldable devices for years.

Business News

Apple Is Opening Up Its Powerful App Store for the First Time Ever. It's Not Happy About It.

Fortnite-maker Epic Games, which directly challenged Apple's App Store rules and got kicked off the platform as a result, says the new regulations mean it will bring Fortnite back to Apple's phones in Europe in 2024.

Business News

Apple CEO Tim Cook Dishes to Dua Lipa About His Succession Plan: 'I'll Be There A While'

Cook spoke with the pop star on the latest episode of her "Dua Lipa: At Your Service" podcast.

Science & Technology

Meet the 16-Year-Old Stanford Intern Whose AI Project Could Save Your Life — Plus 5 Other Young Tech Visionaries Recognized By Apple

Apple announced four new "Everyone Can Code" projects that will help students learn and refine their app-development skills.


Esta actriz y cantante le habló a Tim Cook para pedirle que corrigiera el modo en el que Siri pronunciaba su nombre

Barbra Streisand es una de las pocas personas que han ganado el Emmy, el Grammy, el Oscar y el Tony; además le gusta que su apellido se pronuncie correctamente.

Business News

Tim Cook's Daily Routine: The Schedule of the Apple CEO Who Wakes Up at 3:45 a.m. and Reads Hundreds of Customer Emails a Day

In meetings, he reportedly has no problem "sitting in silence" until he gets a suitable answer.


Tim Cook se equivoca al hablar del precio de las gafas Vision Pro y después justifica su alto costo

El CEO de Apple aseguró que cuesta bastante desarrollar un dispositivo de ese tipo, por lo que es necesario que cuesten $3,500 dólares.

Business News

Apple Just Unveiled Its VR Headset. What You Need to Know.

The Vision Pro is Apple's first major product launch since AirPods.