
Business News

Meta's AI Chief Is in the Middle of a Public Clash With Elon Musk: 'Secrecy Hampers Progress'

Meta AI chief Yann LeCun and Elon Musk have been going back and forth on X, formally Twitter, for a week.

Business News

Elon Musk's X Finally Has a Domain That Matches Its Name

Musk bought the domain from PayPal years before buying then-Twitter.

Social Media

Here's How I Determine If I'm Getting Value Out of X (and How You Can, Too)

Don't let low-value accounts and promotional material bog down your time on X (formerly Twitter). Here are some strategies to curate content, engage with quality people and maximize your time.

Business News

Jack Dorsey Explains Bluesky Exit: 'Literally Repeating All the Mistakes We Made' at Twitter

Dorsey left the Bluesky board and deleted his account earlier this week.

Business News

Jack Dorsey Announces His Departure from Bluesky on X, Calls Elon Musk's Platform 'Freedom Technology'

Dorsey helped fund and promote the rival social media platform.

Business News

The Ex-Twitter Director Who Went 'Hardcore' for Elon Musk and Slept on the Floor of X's Office Is Now Working for His Meta Nemesis, Mark Zuckerberg

Esther Crawford went viral after posting a photo in a sleeping bag on the floor of her office.

Business News

Elon Musk Says New X Users Will Soon Have to Pay to Post on the Platform

X tested the initiative in New Zealand and the Philippines to combat the platform's bot problem.

Business News

X Is Suddenly Prohibiting Users From Hiding Their Blue Checkmarks

Earlier this month, X gave blue checkmarks to accounts with over 2,500 verified users — regardless of whether or not they opted in.

Business News

Elon Musk Is Mysteriously Re-Verifying X Accounts as the Platform Cleanses Bots, Spam

Some users noticed that blue checkmarks had re-appeared on their accounts this week.

Business News

'I'm Typically Putting in 16-Hour Days': Elon Musk Tells Don Lemon About Working Long Hours to Eliminate 'Civilizational Risks'

The pair sat down for a 90-minute interview. We watched it, so you don't have to.


Exdirectivos de Twitter demandan a Elon Musk por $128 millones de dólares

Los antiguos empleados de la red social dijeron que el empresario los despidió sin justificación.

Business News

Elon Musk Is Moving SpaceX's Incorporation to Texas — Here's Why

The billionaire CEO announced the news Wednesday night on X.


Elon Musk confirma transacciones comerciales de persona a persona en X para el 2024

La nueva funcionalidad es una de las piezas del plan maestro de Elon Musk para transformar a la plataforma en una "everything app".

Business News

Elon Musk Gives Profanity-Laden Tirade During DealBook Interview: "Go F--- Yourself'

Musk addressed the companies that have pulled advertising from the X platform at the 2023 DealBook Summit in New York on Wednesday. Watch the interview, here.