Work Life

Thought Leaders

How Leaders Can Create a Resilient Workforce and Support Employee Mental Health Challenges

Are you prepared to support the mental wellness of the incoming workforce?

News and Trends

Gen Z and Millennial Ally AI; Expect It to Improve Work-life Balance

While in recent times we've seen big tech players recall their work-from-home or hybrid policy, it still remains a priority among people


12 Factors That Are Fueling Your Workplace Mental Exhaustion

If you feel burnt out at work, consider how these twelve factors determine your recovery time.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Thriving Workplaces: The Key to Employee Well-being

Your employees want to feel like they're doing their best. Now is the chance for you to make it easier for them to be as successful as possible.

Health & Wellness

Are Remote Workers Doomed to Feel Isolated and Sad? An HR Strategist Shares How to Overcome the Challenges of Working From Home.

Miriam Groom specializes in employee experience and development. She shares her advice about overcoming the pitfalls and challenges of being a remote worker.

Thought Leaders

3 Simple Methods To Achieve Work-Life Balance And Combat Decision Fatigue

How to combat the ever-growing problem of decision fatigue and work-life balance.


What To Do When The Law of Attraction Doesn't Work for You

We all know about the law of attraction. Whether we've heard it from someone or in a meme, it is very much in the public consciousness. But, do we really understand it and the work it requires though? What can we do when the law of attraction doesn't work?

Growing a Business

This Simple Brain Hack Will Help You Achieve All Your Goals

No, this isn't a pill that will make you invincible, but rather a mental discipline that will improve your efficiency and garner success.

Growing a Business

5 Game-Changing Tips For Creating a Company That Attracts Top-Level Job Seekers

In today's competitive job market, it is more important than ever that your company culture is attractive.


7 Ways To Create A Healthy and Balanced Work Environment

By following these tips, businesses can create a more positive working environment that will help to maintain employee productivity and morale.

Thought Leaders

4 Habits to Recharge Your Digital Stamina as a Busy Entrepreneur

Embrace digital positivity without the digital burnout through these simple habits.


Why Playing Video Games is Good for Your Business and Your Employees

Many people think playing video games will hurt their productivity. Here's why the opposite may be true.


4 Ways Net Profit Margin Equals Happiness in Life

The equation for net profit margin in business can serve as an analogy for how to achieve happiness and satisfaction in life.

Business News

This Is the Number One Question You Should Ask During Job Interviews to Avoid a Toxic Workplace

Finding a job that's the right fit can be difficult, especially when you're searching during the pandemic. That's why it's important to ask the right questions.

Business News

6 Songs To Motivate And Inspire You At Work

During times like the ongoing pandemic when we have limited engagements to inspire us, turning to music can be a healthy way to develop a better work ethic