Belt Buckles

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Are you searching for a truly unique homebased business opportunity with a focus on manufacturing? If so, perhaps you should consider starting a business manufacturing specialty belt buckles. The business can be put into action on less than a $3,000 initial investment, and the long-term profit potential is sensational. The key to success in this type of specialty manufacturing business is to ensure the buckle designs are original and to place a concentrated effort on utilizing many marketing methods to ensure maximum exposure for the business and products. Additionally, consider utilizing recyclable materials such as metals and glass for the raw material to construct the belt buckles as not only is this a way to reduce materials' costs, but more importantly, it can be used as a very powerful marketing tool.

Belt Buckles Ideas

Gift Basket

Create crafty and beautiful gifts with a gift basket business.

Art Supplies Store

Draw out a new business with an art supplies store.

Nursery Designer

Use your interior design talents to design fanciful and fun nurseries.

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