Evening Gown Rentals

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Many designer evening gowns cost $1,000 or more, placing them far outside the financial reach of many customers. This creates more than ample opportunity for the determined entrepreneur to start an evening gown rental business, which can be easily conducted from a home based location. Marketing the business can be as simple as creating a full-color catalog that features pictures and descriptions of the evening gowns for rent and distributing the catalogs throughout the community where they'll generate the most interest in the service. Once established, an evening gown rental business should receive a vast amount of referrals from satisfied customers, not to mention a lot of repeat business.

Evening Gown Rentals Ideas

Janitorial Supplies

You can clean up by selling janitorial supplies.

Gun Shop

Here's a great market to shoot for.

Fabric Shop

Add some texture to your business side with a shop that's made of good material.

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