Litter Pickup

Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

If you are looking for an easy service to sell that requires no special skills or experience, yet still has excellent income potential and a start-up investment of only a few hundred dollars, then a litter pickup service might be just what you've been searching for. Armed with only a rake, shovel, garbage can, and a pair of gloves, you can be cleaning up litter for paying customers in your community. Ideally, these customers will be retailers, professionals, and other business owners who need to project a good business image. Having litter in and around their businesses in parking lots, lawns, flowerbeds, and sidewalks is obviously not the image they want to project. Create a detailed promotional flier outlining services and litter pickup fees and distribute it to retailers, service providers and professionals with storefronts and parking lots. In exchange for a flat monthly fee, visit customers' business locations daily to pick up any litter lying in close proximity to their shops'sidewalks, entranceways, flowerbeds, lawns and parking lots'and in no time you will be well on your way to building a profitable business.

The Market

Retailers and other business owners who want to project a good business image.

Litter Pickup Ideas

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