Prospecting Agent

Startup Costs: $50,000 - $100,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

In a nutshell, a prospecting agent generates and qualifies sales leads for their clients. However, the service should not be confused with a telemarketing service, as a prospecting service never attempts to close a sale or go beyond qualifying a sales lead for their clients. Prospecting agents are paid for each lead they generate, and the higher the value of the client's products and services, the larger the fee for supplying qualified leads. Additionally, some prospecting agents also generate sales leads first and then sell the leads to the highest bidder. An example of this would be a prospecting agent that sets up a display booth at a home and garden trade show and collects names, addresses and contact information from people that are considering a home improvement renovation. The type of renovation they are considering will dictate what kind of home improvement company the prospecting agent will approach to purchase the leads.

Prospecting Agent Ideas

Personal Assistant

Busy executives and business owners can use your help with everything from answering phones to purchasing gifts.

Freight Broker

Match shippers and transportation services as a freight broker.

Site-Sign Installation Service

Help other businesses with advertising opps where they're working.

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