Public Opinion Survey Service

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

From the smallest independent businesses to the largest international corporations, businesses often rely on public opinion surveys to learn more about their products, services, competition and customers, and they react accordingly based on results. Politicians rely on opinion polls to gauge what voters feel are the most important issues, so they can champion these issues in hopes of getting elected. Just about every level of government agency relies on public opinion polls to find out and prioritize what services and programs taxpayers want and need. Public opinion polls and surveys can be conducted on the telephone, by mail, e-mail, website polling or by way of personal interview. Your communications, marketing and organizational skills will be your main tools to make this business prosper. To get started, create and conduct a few of your own public opinion polls on topics that would be interesting to the public at large. Send local media the results in the form of a press release or media alert, and use the media coverage of your polls and surveys as a marketing tool to secure paying customers for the service.

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