Sandwich Delivery Route

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

If you are searching for a very inexpensive business to start in the food industry that has the potential to generate $1,000 per week or more, then look no further than starting a sandwich delivery route. Ideally, a sandwich route will be established in an office district or industrial district of a city or community, enabling the business to capitalize on the sheer volume of people working in these areas. In terms of operating the business, it's as easy as establishing a working relationship with a catering service or restaurant to supply the sandwiches and salads on a wholesale basis, while building a customer base to purchase the lunch meals. Design a menu featuring all the sandwiches, salads and other items available and distribute the menu to office buildings and factories. Customers would simply place their lunch orders in the morning or the day before. Additionally, lunch orders could be placed by way of fax, phone or e-mail. And of course, delivery would always be free.

The Market

Your customers are people on the job who need lunch. You'll also want to make the acquaintance of receptionists who can announce your arrival at companies and office managers who can spread the word about your service. You will also need to court caterers, restaurants and/or delis so you can carry their goods.

Needed Equipment

A truck, van or large station wagon with enough room to carry the food; coolers insulated to keep the cold items cold and the hot items hot; office equipment to help you keep track of orders; and a magnetic sign for your vehicle to advertise your services to other companies

Sandwich Delivery Route Ideas

Sandwich Delivery Route

Cater to busy office workers with a sandwich delivery route.

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