Green Business

Business Ideas

67 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Need new inspiration for a business you can start with $10,000? Here are more than 60 profitable business ideas you can run with now.

Green Entrepreneur®

6 Ways to Profitably Integrate Eco-Friendly Practices into Your Business

Sustainability efforts can improve operational efficiency, increase customer demand and boost profitability. Here, we highlight six easy ways entrepreneurs and small businesses can capture the financial benefits of sustainability.

Health & Wellness

The Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries in 2024

Thanks to tech breakthroughs and consumer demand, these industries are expected to boom in 2024.

Green Entrepreneur®

How to Make Your Ecommerce Business Truly Sustainable (and Why It's Important)

Effective data collection solutions help overcome the challenges of shifting to more sustainable ecommerce practices.

Green Entrepreneur®

The SEC's New Climate Transparency Rules Mean Sustainability Isn't Just a Buzzword Anymore — Here's How to Embrace It.

Discover how to openly discuss your organization's activities related to sustainability. When expertly done, accurate and transparent public relations efforts will enhance brand reputation and increase engagement.

How to Go Green

6 Ways to Build Sustainable Principles Into Your Business

By cultivating a culture of conscientious production and consumption, your business builds a strong team with similar values and attracts a loyal audience that often transforms into brand ambassadors.

Business News

Google Is Making a Map of Methane Leaks for the Whole World to See

The data will be free to the public and available on Google Earth Engine later this year.

Green Entrepreneur®

6 Sustainability Strategies Every Business Leader Should Embrace

Sustainability has grown from a nice-to-have aspect of business to an essential requirement for long-term success.

Business News

Millions of Americans Will Soon Be Able to Turn Their Roofs Into a Lucrative Side Hustle

New technologies and a fleet of startups are allowing people to not only independently power their homes but also store and sell excess solar power to their neighbors.


How To Spend One Perfect Day in Santa Barbara

From beaches to bites: A 24-hour guide to sun-kissed shores of The American Riviera.

Green Entrepreneur®

Unlock Profitable Sustainability with Green Tax Credits

By capitalizing on these incentives, businesses can achieve long-term benefits like energy savings, reduced emissions, and positive public relations while contributing to a sustainable environment.

Green Entrepreneur®

How Businesses Can Empower Consumers to Make Sustainable Choices

Entrepreneurs and executives can significantly influence consumer behavior towards sustainability with the right approach.

Thought Leaders

Emerging ESG Trends Forward-Thinking Small Business Owners Need to Watch

There are five key components that entrepreneurs have to get right to navigate their environmental, social and governance transformation successfully. Find out where your focus should be.


8 Practical Ways to Reduce Your Office's Environmental Footprint

When you implement a few practical measures, you contribute to a healthier planet, save on operational costs and position your company as a socially responsible organization.