Angela Ruth

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Business News

Carpe Diem: 4 Strategies to Seize the Day With Your Calendar

The traditional saying “seize the day” has origins that date back more than 2,000 years. It’s one of the oldest philosophical mottos that many people still live by today. The...

Business News

​​6 Tips to Help You Say Goodbye to Feeling Overwhelmed

When you have a lot going on, it’s easy to feel unsettled. You frantically try to complete tasks in what can only be described as a whack-a-mole approach. The most...

Business News

5 Important Appointments You Shouldn’t Forget to Schedule Before Traveling

The weeks leading up to a big trip can be incredibly exciting. It’s fun to imagine all the places you’ll go, things you’ll experience, and memories you’ll grow to cherish....

Business News

How to Nurture Relationships Through Your Social Calendar

It’s odd how easily your most important relationships can slip away in a supposedly more connected world. It’s undeniable that advancements in technology, such as the internet and social media,...

Business News

Plan Your Thrifting Trips This Summer With These 9 Tips

Thrifting is a fun, inexpensive, and eco-friendly way to expand your wardrobe and improve your personal style. It’s also a fun summer activity you can do with your friends. Planning...

Business News

The Key Time Management Tips for Even the Most Distracted People

You have a task or assignment to complete that should only take 20 minutes of your time. You begin to work on it, but your phone chimes with a text...

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