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Business News

The U.S. banking industry wins battle in $8 credit card fee war

The U.S. court system has delayed the rule to cap credit card late fees at a maximum of 8 dollars monthly, a win for major banking institutions. The legislation, a...

Business News

BP is eyeing a $1bn buyout of Tesla charging facilities

Oil giant BP is investigating the Supercharger facilities and staff that are in limbo after Tesla’s mass cuts. Tesla, the electric vehicle manufacturer founded by billionaire Elon Musk, recently decided...

Business News

Trump Media Insider Trading Case Sees Investor Convicted

A federal jury in Manhattan has found the investor involved in the recent, highly significant Trump Media merger guilty. Bruce Garelick was convicted of five counts of securities fraud and...

Business News

Six of the largest US banks take part in a Federal Reserve exercise

The Federal Reserve has released a statement detailing that some of the largest American banks participated in a new exercise. The Climate Scenario Analysis Exercise (CSA) involved some of the...

Business News

90% of American homes see a price rise according to Q1 report

A first-quarter report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that more than 90% of homes across the U.S. saw their prices rise. The report, which comprehensively analyzed home...

Business News

Biggest covid companies record $1.5tn market value loss

According to a recent report by the Financial Times, the biggest corporate earners of the COVID-19 era are now facing losses of $1.5tn. Companies like Peloton and Ring Central, which...