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Business News

Deciphering metaphors of success and ambition

In the realm of success and ambition, certain phrases echo with the spirit of achievement. One such phrase is “I got the slam, proud of them, shorty have them drip,...

Business News

Shedding negativity for a healthier life

We often find ourselves surrounded by negativity in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. It can come from various sources—a stressful job, a toxic relationship, or even our...

Business News

Embracing the unknown: understanding faith

In life’s grand adventure, pivotal moments demand we step beyond the familiar confines of our comfort zones. These are the instances when we’re summoned to leap of faith. Here, faith...

Business News

Path to stardom: self-discovery, mastery, resilience

The pursuit of stardom is a common aspiration for success and recognition in a particular field. However, this aspiration is not mere wishful thinking. It requires a deep understanding of...

Business News

The Two Investments That Made Me a Multi-Millionaire (And You Can Make it Too!)

I am often asked about my journey as a financial educator who aims to help people build wealth outside of the traditional system. Specifically, what were the critical decisions that...

Business News

Building credit early with Ambition Card

The journey to financial independence is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires a keen understanding of financial principles, discipline, and a proactive approach to managing money. This guide provides...