John Rampton

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Business News

How to View Microsoft Calendar and Google Calendar in the Same Place

Keeping track of appointments across multiple platforms can be a nightmare. Between work schedules, social engagements, and personal commitments, keeping track of everything can be nearly impossible. The struggle is...

Business News

From Hustle to Flow: How Energy Management Unlocks Peak Productivity

Each of us has the same 24 hours in a day. Yet, some individuals seem to achieve superhuman feats within those hours. In contrast, others find it difficult to stay...

Business News

Reclaim Your Hours: A Guide to Protecting Your Time

Time is the one resource we all have in equal amounts, but it often feels the most elusive. As we juggle work, relationships, personal goals, and constant notifications, we feel...

Business News

Honoring Heroes: The Ultimate Memorial Day Checklist

Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday in May, is much more than a simple day off from work or school. Instead, it is a day of remembrance for those...

Business News

How to Navigate the Virtualverse: A Guide to Managing Your Remote Team

There is no doubt that the landscape of work has drastically changed since the COVID-19 pandemic. We are no longer confined to mandatory commutes and in-person water cooler chats. Globally,...

Business News

Power Up, Not Out: What to Do When You Need a Break at Work

It’s happened to all of us. Despite your best intentions, you’re staring at your computer screen, feeling like your brain is mush, and losing patience. You’re clearly in need of...

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