Punita Sabharwal

Entrepreneur Staff
Managing Editor, Entrepreneur India

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The Subtle Luxury Crafter: Gautam Sinha, Founder and Creative Director, Nappa Dori

Nappa Dori screams quiet luxury, blending minimalism while speaking to the modern culture; all while maintaining functionality


The Royal Fashionista: Raghavendra Rathore, Designer

In his youth, Rathore journeyed seeking knowledge and experience. Later, he delved into New York's fashion scene for nearly a decade. Now, travel for him means rediscovering life and reconnecting with loved ones

News and Trends

A Storyful Venture: Mohit Jain, CEO and Cofounder, Kimirica

With a global approach and strong Indian roots, Kimirica is one of India's first few companies to have revolutionized vegan, paraben-free, SLSfree, cruelty-free, and fairtrade product concepts in the country

News and Trends

The First Choice Lender: Karthikeyan Krishnaswamy, Co-founder and CTO, KreditBee

KreditBee is a Series-D funded entity, backed by Advent International, Premji Invest, Motilal Oswal Alternates, TPG-NewQuest, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, ICICI Bank, and Mirae Asset Venture Investments

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Creative Visionary: Aditi Murarka & Anurag Agarwal, Co- Founders, Nestasia

Aditi believes that creativity and business might seem separate worlds, but they're actually closely intertwined, and when they work together, they can achieve remarkable things

News and Trends

The Vocally local Hero: Thomas Zacharias aka ChefTZac, Founder, The Locavore

His experience as a chef, curating menus, and leading kitchens, laid the groundwork for his entrepreneurial venture, but it also brought a new set of challenges

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