
Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Billboards are one of the most competitive segments of the advertising industry, and starting a business that installs billboards and markets billboard advertising will take a lot of research and clever planning. However, with that said, the profit potential for a business that markets billboard advertising is outstanding. The billboard advertising industry works like this. A site to install a billboard is selected based on excellent street visibility and high traffic count. The owner of the building or land where the billboard is installed receives a yearly fee; the amount of money paid to the landowner is based on a percentage of the projected advertising revenues that the billboard will generate. Advertisers wishing to advertise on the billboard pay a one-time art fee to create the ad and a fee for the amount of time the ads are featured on the billboard. One billboard can generate upwards of $10,000 or more each year.

Billboards Ideas

Advertising Broker

Use your sales skills to mediate between ad agencies and content providers.

Public Relations

Got a nose for the news? Turn your media savvy into a PR business.

Aerial Advertising

Take company advertisements to new heights with aerial advertising.

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