Aytekin Tank: Page 4

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Entrepreneur; Founder and CEO, Jotform

Aytekin Tank is the founder and CEO of Jotform and the author of Automate Your Busywork. Tank is a renowned industry leader on topics such as entrepreneurship, technology, bootstrapping and productivity. He has nearly two decades of experience leading a global workforce.

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Latest: Page 4

Thought Leaders

Little Wins Are the Secret to Motivating Your Team — and Yourself

Stop focusing on competitors' success stories, but instead on your small victories.

Thought Leaders

You Can Train Your Brain to React to Stressful Situations Better. Here's the 3-Step Process.

Don't panic. Train yourself into mental clarity.


Los retiros de silencio son caros, pero efectivos. Aquí te mostramos cómo recrear sus beneficios desde cualquier lugar

Aunque no tengas el tiempo o el presupuesto para embarcarte en un viaje físico de autodescubrimiento, hay estrategias comprobadas para cultivar la tranquilidad mental... sin importar en dónde te encuentres.

Thought Leaders

Silent Retreats Are Expensive — But Effective. Here's How to Recreate the Benefits of One From Anywhere.

Even if you don't have the time or budget to set off on a physical journey of self-discovery, there are proven strategies for cultivating mental quiet…wherever you are.


Este es el mal hábito laboral que podría estarte robando 72 días de tu tiempo cada año

Te decimos cómo saber si eres culpable y cómo recuperar esos preciosos días.


This Bad Work Habit Is Stealing a Shocking 72 Days of Your Time Per Year

Here's how to recognize if you're guilty — and reclaim those precious days.