Dr. David G. Javitch: Page 2

Dr. David G. Javitch is an organizational psychologist, leadership specialist, and President of Javitch Associates in Newton, Mass. Author of How to Achieve Power in Your Life, Javitch is in demand as a consultant for his skills in assessment, coaching, training and facilitating groups and retreats.

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Growing a Business

5 Leadership Questions Every Boss Should Ask

Your employees need you most when times are tough. Know how to talk to them--whether the news is good or bad.

Growing a Business

Grow Your Power, Boost Your Influence

Getting others to listen to you is the result of a 4-step process.

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What Else Besides Termination?

Layoffs may seem like the easiest fix to boost your profit margins, but the repercussions will have dire effects. Discover some better options to keep your business afloat.

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10 Employee Management Resolutions

Learn how to manage, motivate and encourage your employees to help make your business more successful.

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Virtual Office Management Means Effective Communication

Try these helpful strategies and software to better manage employees from afar.


Entrepreneurs Need Social Networking

Dan Schawbel, a leading expert in social networking and a Gen-Y branding expert, explains what business owners need to know about the trend.