Gurpreet Kaur: Page 3

Licensed Professional Counselor, Life Coach, Speaker, and Author

Dr. Gurpreet Kaur is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Life Coach, Speaker, and an Author. Dr. Kaur is very passionate about self-love, self-empowerment, wellness, reaching the full potential, and quantum mechanics principles application in life.

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Stop Focusing on Productivity and Save More Time

If you're constantly afraid you're wasting time, you probably are.


This Celebrated Leadership Tactic Is Actually Toxic

You can't be an effective leader if you're always trying to please other people.


'Solo sé tu mismo.' Bien, pero ¿qué significa eso exactamente?

A menudo se nos aconseja con la frase cliché "simplemente sé tú mismo" cuando nos sentimos ansiosos o preocupados. Pero, ¿qué significa ser tú mismo?


'Just Be Yourself.' Okay, But What Does That Mean Exactly?

We are often advised with the cliched phrase "just be yourself" when we feel anxious or worried. But what does it mean to just be yourself?


¿Lograste mucho pero aún te sientes insatisfecho? Por eso es bueno.

Esto es lo que puede hacer para sentirse realizado en la vida a medida que logra grandes éxitos.


Achieved A Lot But Still Feel Unfulfilled? This Is Why That's a Good Thing.

Here is what you can do to feel fulfilled in life as you achieve great successes.