Tropical Fish and Aquarium Rentals

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

You can earn gigantic profits by starting a tropical fish and aquarium rental business, and best of all, this very unique enterprise can be set in motion for less than $5,000 and managed right from a homebased office. At this point, I am sure you're wondering exactly who would rent tropical fish and an aquarium? The list is very long, and if you think about waiting rooms, the list of potential clients can include doctors, lawyers, restaurants and business offices. The concept behind the tropical fish rental is this. People who must wait in a waiting room need something to keep them occupied, and believe it or not it would be less expensive for businesses and professional offices to rent tropical fish every month than to supply customers and patients with costly newspapers and magazines. Once a regular clientele base has been established for a tropical fish and aquarium rental business, the yearly profits that can be earned could well exceed $50,000 or more.

Tropical Fish and Aquarium Rentals Ideas

Dog Training Classes

Throw a bone to fellow dog lovers who need a little help keeping their pooches in line.

Dog Run Sales And Installation

Allow dogs to get some exercise without pet owners having to worry about their escape.


Help keep travelers' pets safe and healthy.

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