A/B Testing: Page 2

Growing a Business

4 Growth Hacking Strategies That Work Like Magic

The secret behind effective growth hacking is to follow a proven framework, and implement the right strategy at the right time.


3 Email Marketing Tactics You Need Most

Want your email marketing campaigns to be more successful? Use these simple tips.


Call to Action: The X-Factor in Spurring Conversion Rate

No longer make the best guess at what will resonate with & convert customers; you can test your way to real-time, actionable results


The Simplest Way to Improve Your Call to Action Using A/B Testing

Which version of your web page or app converts better? Here are several ways to tell.


Think Boldly but Validate Your Ideas Before Taking the Leap

Successful marketers are brash when dreaming new initiatives but humble when testing to see if they are any good.

Starting a Business

Your MVP Isn't Really Viable Until Your Potential Customers Say So

More than 40 percent of startups fail simply because nobody in the real world was interested in buying what the founder thought was a good idea.


How to Test Different Versions of Your Website in 6 Easy Steps (Infographic)

Don't worry. It's not as technical as you might think. This quick guide will get you up and A/B testing in no time.

Growing a Business

The Case Against A/B Testing at Early-Stage Startups

A/B tests have become so ubiquitous that founders who don't frequently employ them have been subtly made to feel bad about themselves for having such a weak data-driven culture.


The Pros Agree These Are the 2 Best Tools for Conversion Optimization

Sometimes you have to trust your gut. Online marketing is not one of those times.

Starting a Business

The Biggest, and Most Avoidable, Mistake of New Entrepreneurs

Want to make sure your startup succeeds and grows? You had better commit to this one thing.


So, What's the 'X-Factor' in the A/B Testing Formula? (Infographic)

Sorry, there really isn't one. But these five tips will help you increase your clicks and conversions.


5 Ways to Build an Air-Tight Case for Boosting Your Marketing Budget

When it comes time to discuss the company investment in marketing, make sure you know what efforts are driving sales and which aren't worth the money.

Business News

Why You Should Never Redesign Your Product or Website

Evolution beats revolution.


5 Secrets for Increasing Conversions on Your Site

Improving online sales is a constant process of looking at your website as your visitors see it.

Social Media

3 Tips to Maximize the Synergy of Social Media and Content Marketing

Tailoring content for different networks and listening closely to your audience are keys to successful online marketing.