A.I: Page 2

Business News

AI or Not? Debate Erupts Over Authenticity of Gannett's 'Reviewed' Articles, Employees Demand Answers

Writers at Reviewed became suspicious of articles that lacked specific author information on platforms like LinkedIn.

Business News

Meta Is Paying the Celebrity Faces Behind Its AI Chatbots as Much as $5 Million for 6 Hours of Work, Report Says

One unnamed top creator was paid $5 million for six hours of work, according to The Information.

Business News

AI-Generated Voices and Deepfakes Are Surging on TikTok, Other Platforms — And European Regulators Have Had Enough

Advanced AI tools are enabling the creation of eerily convincing fake voices and deepfakes, and it's being exacerbated amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Business News

See Chipotle's New Robots That Can Crank Out Nearly 200 Burrito Bowls an Hour

A robot could soon be making your next Chipotle burrito bowl.

News and Trends

QuantHealth Secures $15 Million In Series A Funding

As per the company, the new funding will be used for commercial expansion, product development and expansion of the platform

News and Trends

SoftBank Plans AI Tour To Boost Technology Adoption: Report

SoftBank, led by Masayoshi Son, began making startup investments again in the June quarter after coming to a virtual halt as investors soured on money-losing startups

News and Trends

B20 Summit: PM Modi Calls For Global Framework On Cryptocurrencies And AI

The PM also said India is preparing a framework for Green Credit for businesses to encourage planet-positive actions

News and Trends

Microsoft Releases a Five-Point Blueprint For India's AI Governance

Microsoft claimed it has nearly 350 people working on responsible AI, helping it implement best practices for building safe, secure, and transparent AI systems designed to benefit society


Together Fund is Extending Its Founder-First Philosophy With Its Second SaaS and AI Fund

The VC firm on Thursday announced the first close of Together Fund II – its second early stage fund of USD 150 million focused on SaaS and AI startups.

Business News

I Applied to McDonald's and 4 Other Fast Food Jobs, but the Chatbots and Automated Process Made it Impossible for Me to Get Hired

"The jobs that made me apply with AI chatbots left me annoyed and uncertain."

Business News

RIP Metaverse

The Metaverse, Zuckerberg's tech obsession, is officially dead. ChatGPT killed it.

Business News

IBM Says 7,800 Jobs (or Nearly 30% of Its Workforce) Could Be Replaced By AI

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna told Bloomberg workers in non-customer-facing roles will be affected. Other companies have also pivoted business models as artificial intelligence increasingly disrupts norms.

Science & Technology

AI 'Godfather' Quits His Job at Google Warning of 'Scary' Outcomes

Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer in artificial intelligence, is concerned about what will happen if AI gets into the wrong hands.

Business News

Meet 'SAM,' Meta's New A.I. Segment Anything Model That Can Pinpoint Any Item In Your Photos

The new artificial intelligence model has the ability to identify various objects in images and videos.