Amazon: Page 10

Business News

Amazon Just Updated A Service That Will Make Shopping Even Easier for Prime Lovers

The Buy With Prime program rolled out last April as an invitation-only feature.

Business News

'No One Should Have Been Told To Work Alongside A Dead Body': Amazon Workers Slam Company After Employee Death

In Colorado Springs, Rick Jacobs died on the job just before a change of shift. But warehouse operations reportedly kept going as usual — and workers say they were not informed adequately what was going on.


Amazon anuncia un recorte histórico de 18,000 trabajadores

Por medio del blog de Amazon, el consejero delegado de la empresa confirmó las filtraciones que llegaron a los medios.

Business News

Amazon to Layoff 18,000 Employees, Largest Cut in Company History: 'We'll Be Inventive, Resourceful, and Scrappy'

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy penned a memo to employees after the news leaked of the impending cuts at the company.

News and Trends

Amazon To Cut Over 18000 Jobs: Report

The layoff is said to be because of the uncertain economy and the fact that the online retail giant had hired rapidly during the pandemic

Business News

What Is Temu, the Amazon Rival Rapidly Gaining Popularity?

The Chinese bargain shopping app has been downloaded more than 10 million times in the U.S. in less than four months.

Business News

Two Charged in Ring Camera Hacking Spree Used to 'Swat' Police

The Department of Justice said Monday that two men participated in a nationwide scheme to hack Ring security cameras, draw local police and harass them.

Business News

Amazon Will Open 19 Renewable Gas Stations

The latest fueling station in Illinois will provide 1.4 million gallons of sustainable fuel produced from organic waste.

Growing a Business

How Small Businesses Are Teaming Up to Boost Local Economies

How small businesses find and buy products to support other small and local businesses.


Los clientes de Amazon otorgan $5 millones de dólares en propinas a los repartidores en un solo día

La semana pasada Amazon anunció un programa para que los clientes pudieran dar un millón de propinas de $5 dólares a los repartidores por medio de Alexa diciendo "Agradece a mi conductor". El monto se agotó un día después del lanzamiento del programa.

Business News

Amazon Customers Give Out $5 Million in Tips to Drivers in One Day

Amazon announced last week it would pay for customers to give out a million $5 tips after asking Alexa or other Amazon products to 'thank my driver.' It ran out within one day of the program's launch.

Business News

Amazon Is Introducing a TikTok-Like Shopping Feed

The e-commerce giant plans to use the addictive power of short-form videos to boost shopping experiences.

Business News

'Alexa, Thank My Driver': Amazon Is Giving $5 Million In Tips To Amazon Drivers

Amazon is making it easy for customers to tip their drivers with any Amazon Alexa device or the Amazon mobile shopping app for a limited time.

Business News

'Your Data Is Worth Way More Than This': Amazon Will Pay You $2 A Month To Track Your Ad Data

You can earn an additional $10 a month if you upload 10 receipts from purchases not made on the site. One privacy hawk was not impressed by the offer price.


Alexa, el colosal fracaso de Amazon

Hace casi nueve años, Amazon apostó por un asistente de voz, Alexa; sin embargo, los resultados están lejos de ser los esperados.