Budgets: Page 4


Managing and Organizing an Effective PR Strategy on a Budget

Not all early-stage startups require a PR team but the ones that do, need to figure out how to get the most bang for the buck.


3 Tips for Digital Marketing on a Budget

Want to expand your digital reach without breaking the bank? Here are three tips.


7 Ways to Craft a Great Company Culture on a Budget

A carnival of perks is great, but how do businesses without multimillion-dollar budgets for complimentary manicure salons compete?


Attention Service Companies: 5 Ways to Build Your Brand on a Budget

While product companies often have an easier time conveying their brand message, service-focused businesses also must have a strategy for creating their unique identity. Check out five ways to do it on a budget.


3 Tricks to Create Premium Video Content on a Budget

While video content is becoming a more mainstream marketing strategy, it can be expensive. Here are a few strategies for creating top-notch content without spending a fortune.


How to Generate Publicity on a Shoe-String Budget

Our PR expert Ivan Ristic offers up advice on how companies can use publicity to increase website traffic.

Business Ideas

Entertainment Trend for 2014: Low-Budget Movies=Big Business

Artistically bankrupt, low-budget films like Sharknado are big business.


How to Build a Stellar Mobile App On a Budget

Don't break the bank developing your app. Here are four tips to help you build a quality new app without wasting time or money.


5 Ways to Recruit Rock-Star Employees on a Budget

Entrepreneurs usually can't offer new hires the promise of a hefty salary. But there are ways to get A-list employees without breaking the bank. Here are five budget-friendly techniques to get you there.

Starting a Business

The Basics of Building a Budget for Your Business

How to think about the big picture and create the most effective budget.


5 Online Marketing Strategies for a Tight Budget

Ways you can spread the word about your business online without breaking your marketing budget.

Money & Finance

Why Stretching the Budget Is Worth It

Going with the lowest cost option isn't always the best choice. Here's how to make value-based decisions.

Business News

No Marketing Budget? 3 Proven Strategies for Direct Selling

For cash-strapped startups, spending big bucks on marketing isn't a possibility. Instead, here's how to drum up customers directly.

Business News

4 Steps to Creating Buzz on a Shoestring Budget

When marketing a startup, a leaner more directed approach is often best. Here's a four-step process.