Credit Cards: Page 10


Plastc Wants to Reinvent the Wallet with All-In-One Smart Card

What does this one-size-fits-all card mean for the mobile-payments landscape?

Business News

4 Ways Adopting Apple Pay Can Benefit Small Business

Apple Pay just may revolutionize cashless payments.

Business News

Why Apple Pay Could Be a Game Changer for Businesses

A new payments system baked into the forthcoming iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch could revolutionize how business is done across the globe.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

5 Reasons Merchants Should Start Accepting Bitcoin Now

Coinbase's Adam White lays out the bottom-line benefits of embracing Bitcoin payments.

Data & Recovery

Home Depot Suffers Possible Data Breach, Tries to Ease Customer Fears

The world's largest home improvement retailer may be the latest victim of a credit and debit card breach.

Business News

Watch Where You Swipe: Hackers Have Done More Damage Than You Realize

More than 1,000 American businesses have been affected by in-store cash register breaches, estimates the Department of Homeland Security.

Thought Leaders

Who Should Be Named Our 'Established Entrepreneur of 2014?' Cast Your Vote.

Our five finalists have made their mark in the worlds of gift cards, payment processing, food delivery, music packaging and chai tea.

Business News

A New Way to Pay Online: Visa Launches 'Visa Checkout'

Visa's new product saves your card number and shipping information, allowing you to checkout online in just a few clicks.

Data & Recovery

Why Your Credit Card Company Wants to Replace Magnetic Strips With Microchips

Magnetic strip credit cards will soon be extinct in the U.S. Here's the technology that will replace them and what you need to know about it.


Tips for Keeping Your Travels Identity Theft Free

Business trips are stressful enough without a side of identity fraud.

Science & Technology

The Crazy Things Your Future Credit Cards Will Do (Infographic)

Tomorrow's credit cards will be replete with high-tech security features like fingerprint unlock, voice control and invisibility, according to this infographic by Richard Branson's Virgin Money.

Science & Technology

Online Debit, Credit Fraud Will Soon Get Much Worse. Here's Why.

Adoption of better safeguards in the physical world will drive criminals to electronic theft, argues payments validation entrepreneur.


Where Business Travelers Expense the Most Meals (Infographic)

Bet you can't guess where workers are swiping their fancy corporate credit cards the most.

Money & Finance

Wal-Mart Takes $5 Billion Swipe at Visa Over Processing Fees

The retailer sued the credit-card giant this week, claiming Visa's swipe fees are unfairly high. Separately, the retail industry has taken a hit in the fight over capping debit-card swipe fees.

Money & Finance

QuickBooks Adds New Features to Speed Up Payment Processing

Intuit announced new QuickBooks features that aim to accelerate and simplify paperless payments.