Crowdfunding: Page 8


This Startup is Launching its ICO to Help Users Crowdfund a Fleet of Vehicles

4 hacks on how to raise funds by the believer in blockchain technology to fuel world economy


If You Want to Get Funded on Kickstarter, Research Says to Avoid These Tactics

The crowd has spoken and it's not impressed.


10 Tips to Make Your Crowdfunding Campaign a Success

Crowdfunding done right raises money while priming the market for your product.

Thought Leaders

Don't Wait for Someone Else to Make Your Dream a Reality. These 20-Something Sisters Didn't.

First time entrepreneurs Leah and Bea Koch raised $91,187 to start the only exclusively romance novel bookstore in the United States.


'Don't Go Dark' and Other Crowdfunding Mistakes to Avoid From Indiegogo's Slava Rubin

Avoid these common pitfalls in your next crowdfunding campaign.


Indiegogo's Founder Shares 4 Tips to Get Your Crowdfunding Campaign Funded

Launching an Indiegogo campaign? Here are some tips for success from Indiegogo co-founder Slava Rubin.


Indiegogo Overcame the Doubters by Trusting Its Users -- and Itself

Indiegogo co-founder Slava Rubin explains how he handled rejection.


Why Crowdfunding Leaves Other Growth Tactics in the Dust

The World Bank has predicted that global investment in crowdfunding will hit $93 billion by 2025. What will you do to get in on this trend?

Business News

Keys to a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

For entrepreneurs, crowdfunding is more than just raising money.

Money & Finance

5 Ways to Learn the Nuts and Bolts of Crowdfunding

A lot of people claim to be crowdfunding experts. A few of them actually are.


Dubai-Based E-Grocery App El Grocer Gets Ready To Scale On Crowd Power

When the startup recently decided to raise funds to scale up further, el Grocer chose to step away from the venture capital route, and instead tried crowdfunding to help fuel its growth.


You Need to Meet Your Challenges With Pathological Optimism at Every Turn

Seed&Spark founder and CEO Emily Best says you have to expand your idea of what is possible at every stage of the game.


3 Ways to Become the Most In-Demand Mentor

Life after crowdfunding involves more mountains to climb, and you'll benefit from helping to guide others once you know the way.

Side Hustle

How One Entrepreneur Transformed Her Organic Skincare Line From a Hobby Into a Business

The founder of Gilly's Organics sits down with Jessica Abo to explain how her side hustle, and crowdfunding, helped fund her organic line.


Indiegogo's New Hub for Entrepreneurs Is an Important Reminder to Us All

The crowdfunding site is furthering its efforts to focus on entrepreneurs.