Customer Satisfaction: Page 3

Growth Strategies

#7 Reasons to Improve B2B E-commerce Experience for Consumers

If given a right push towards presentation with a focus on aesthetics B2B e-commerce can give better user experience to its consumers.


#4 Ingredients that Make a Chatbot the Perfect One

Intelligent chatbots enhances the customer experience and bolsters the conversion rate of a business

Starting a Business

Key To Reduce Cost and Improve Customer Satisfaction

Start-ups are generally small in nature and agile in the initial years, hence they have fewer people and efficient process of communication between various departments


Meaningful Conversations Will Keep Your Clients Coming Back for More

Technology has made every aspect of business easier -- except one: making a human connection with your customer.

Growth Strategies

CSAT And The Art Of Keeping Customers Happy

CSAT or Customer Satisfaction is a method to evaluate the satisfaction quotient of a customer after every transaction.


Want Loyal Customers? Prioritize Your Customer Service With These 4 Tactics.

Customer insights. A welcoming environment. Transparency. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Growing a Business

Frontier Airlines Is Learning the Hard Way That Value Is King

Frontier's debacle in Denver shows that offering the cheapest price is a losing strategy if customers are unhappy with what they bought.


Why Should Millennial Tech Entrepreneurs Concentrate On IoT?

Millennial tech entrepreneurs are growing to take over the market and in no time.

Thought Leaders

Scope Creep, the Killer of Projects

When a customer's requests for add-ons and changes puts a project manager in an invidious position, scope creep has crept in.

Growth Strategies

4 Hospitality Trends Entrepreneurs Need To Follow

Know About Hospitality Trends Every Budding Entrepreneur Needs To Follow

Science & Technology

You Can't Expand While Your House Is on Fire

Some steps you just don't get to skip, like having a product that works as advertised, at a cost that makes economic sense.

Growing a Business

How to Prepare to Dazzle and Delight Your Customers This Upcoming Holiday Season

Wondering how you can boost sales and awareness in the coming months? Incorporate these ideas into your game plan.


5 Ways to Turn Your Company Culture Around

If your company is suffering from poor culture and disengaged employees, change the conversation. Here's how.

Thought Leaders

The Key to a Happy, Healthy Relationship With Your Customers

Customer service isn't rocket science, and these tips will help you learn how to deliver it better than your competition.