Data Management: Page 8

Thought Leaders

Farmers Have Trust Issues With Big Data -- For The Same Reasons We All Do

Precision agriculture is changing the way people farm. But the familiar pitfalls of data collection threaten to hold the industry back.

Science & Technology

This Decision Will Make or Break Your Company's Data Infrastructure

Building an infrastructure to support data needs is a critical component of a business's operations, but is it best to build, buy or partner in its creation?

Social Media

Why Data Collection Is the Perfect Area for Entrepreneurial Intervention

Consumers are becoming aware that their data is worth every penny.

Data & Recovery

Take Your Excel and Data Analytics Skills to the Next Level

Learn Microsoft's top data analytics tools.

Growing a Business

How to Use the Right Data to Make Effective Business Decisions

Leveraging the right data is crucial to making the most impactful decisions for your business and its growth.

Business News

Now Is the Time to Get a Grip Around New Data-Privacy Realities

Compliance might have seemed like a daunting task in the recent past, but things are just getting exciting as we move into 2022.

Growing a Business

Unleash Your Inner Data Scientist by Learning Excel and Power BI

Discover new ways to use data to help your business grow.

Science & Technology

Enjoy Seamless Mobile Cloud Backup with a G Cloud Plan

Store your data safely and seamlessly.

Business News

3 Trends to Keep Customers Engaged in 2022

Pandemic-tested ideas will cement themselves as the new way of doing things, while budgets will reflect a heightened focus on authenticity through vehicles like influencer marketing.

Science & Technology

It's Time to Master Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel

Become a spreadsheet pro for less with this Cyber Week II sale.

Science & Technology

What's Under the 'Hood' of Self-Driving Cars?

Headed by tech giants like Google and Yandex, the rise of automated vehicles seems inevitable, but what are the intellectual mechanics at work?


Why You Should Look at Data for Smart Marketing

Good marketing strategies are not birthed merely in experience, connections or gut-feel anymore.

Science & Technology

3 Impacts of AI in the Machine Translation Industry

Recent advances have proven superb results that can provide multiple opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Science & Technology

How to Navigate Data Privacy Regulations When Deploying Enterprise Blockchain Solutions

Four best practices for prioritizing privacy regulations so that blockchain or any other digital transformation initiatives can succeed


What Is Good Data-Driven Marketing? Here Are 5 Examples of What Big Data Can Do.

Realizing the importance of data-driven marketing may be a turning point for any company, so it's crucial to learn what strategies may work the best for you.