Discrimination: Page 3


Women Are (Finally) Turning the VC Funding Tide

But with only 2 percent of U.S.-based VC funding going to women CEOs in 2017, they still have a long way to go.

Business News

An Employment Lawyers' Perspective on Age Discrimination in Silicon Valley

The tech industry's well document bias against women and people of color expands to include everyone past the age of 40 or so.


What Traits Do Employees Look for in Leaders?

Stereotypical male traits such as assertiveness and competitiveness are 'must-haves', says research


You Might Be Overlooking One Unexpected Factor About Your Company's Diversity: Location

If attracting diverse candidates is important to your company, you must be located in an area accessible by all parts of the population.

Business News

Facebook Reportedly Allowed Uber to Run Job Ads Targeted Exclusively at Men

Facebook faces discrimination lawsuits for allegedly allowing employers to target job ads at a single gender.


Boardroom Sexism: Gender Inequalities in the Corporate World

Tennis, entertainment, media, there isn't any place where women haven't faced discrimination, even the corporate world struggles with this

Resumes & Interviewing

How Older Women Can Report Age Discrimination at Work or in the Hiring Process

Women workers file more age discrimination complaints than men.

Growth Strategies

Impact Of Ethnic Diversity And Multiculturalism In Corporate Culture

A diverse workforce inspires a sense of justice and fair treatment to all members of the society, employees and customers alike

Business News

Sexist Job Ads Discriminate Against Women in China -- Even Specifying Applicants' Required Height, Weight and Facial Structure

Many job ads in China openly discriminate against women according to research from Human Rights Watch.


The Shocking Factor Putting Your Entire Exit Strategy at Risk

Establishment segregation was decreasing until the 1990s. So, what caused the reversal?

Thought Leaders

Why the (Entrepreneurial) Future is Female

Women own only 5 percent of startups. So, when we talk about inequality, how about talking about women entrepreneurs?

Business Culture

New Research Shows Women Freelancers Face a Big Gender Pay Gap

It isn't just an issue in corporate America.


How Uber Proved That 1 Person Cannot Change a Company Culture

"Wife Appreciation Day" doesn't mean letting your spouse "take a day off from the kitchen."

Thought Leaders

For Women Entrepreneurs or VCs, Doors Will Only Open If We Pound on Them, Loudly and Persistently

After the headlines, there's more hard work to be done.


The Tech Industry's Real Problem With Diversity Is Clear. It's Not The Pipeline.

Tech apologists claim there are insufficient numbers of qualified women to hire. Which conveniently overlooks the hostile work environments now known to be pervasive.