Elections: Page 3


How You Compete Matters More Than Winning Or Losing

Do you operate on faith, or fear? When you play dirty and smear the competition, you can end up shutting down future opportunities.

Business News

Election Night Was a Good One for Business Leaders

Republicans swept into office, and so did some big names from the corporate world.

Business News

Obama Faces Tough Road as Republicans Take Control of Senate

Republicans strengthened their grip in Congress in a move guaranteed to limit President Obama's legislative agenda for his last two years in office.

Business News

3 Reasons Why You Are 'Meh' About This Year's Midterm Elections

We get it. There's plenty of reasons to drive straight past the polls next week. But isn't voting important, no matter what?

Growing a Business

New York's Business Community Waxes Sentimental for Its Departing Billionaire

Despite bans on sugary drinks, smoking and trans fats, the 'nanny mayor' is looking a lot better these days.

Starting a Business

Is Romney Right About Startup Rates Dropping? (Opinion)

Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney set fact-checkers scrambling during this week's debate when he stated that new business startups were at 30-year lows.


What Small Businesses Care About This Election Year

New data reveals business owners' top concerns and confusion.


Will Customers Know Your Pick for President?

The Presidential election will be an increasingly unavoidable topic as the months roll on. Here are seven options for how to handle the political discourse at your business.