Elon Musk: Page 2


Elon Musk revela sus tácticas para construir empresas exitosas: dormir bajo su escritorio y 'trabajar todas las horas despierto'

Musk compartió los secretos en un podcast con Nicolai Tangen, CEO del banco de Noruega, con un valor de $1.6 billones de dólares.

Business News

Elon Musk Reveals His Tactics for Building Successful Companies, Including Sleeping Under His Desk and 'Working Every Waking Hour'

Musk shared the secrets on a podcast with Nicolai Tangen, CEO of the $1.6 trillion Norges Bank.


¿Está en peligro la construcción de la planta de Tesla en México? Esto es lo que sabemos

Reportes indican que la compañía no tiene planes de comenzar la construcción de la planta en 2024.

Business News

Elon Musk Tells Investors Cheaper Tesla Electric Cars Should Arrive Ahead of Schedule

On an earnings call, Musk told shareholders that Tesla could start producing new, affordable electric cars earlier than expected.

News and Trends

Electric Vehicles Policy: Tesla Attends Consultation Meeting With Central Govt Ahead Of Musk's Visit

The consultation with the automobile industry was to prepare the guidelines for the policy. This was the first such meeting and more are scheduled to take place to prepare the guidelines.

Business News

Elon Musk Tells Employees That Tesla Severance Packages Were 'Incorrectly Low'

Tesla announced that it was cutting roughly 10% of its global workforce earlier this week.

Growth Strategies

Tesla's Arrival in India: Igniting Growth and Innovation in the EV Market

A recent research report by Counterpoint research, says India's EV sales in expected to increase by 66 per cent in 2024, and EVs market share in passenger vehicle segment will double to 4 per cent from 2 per cent in 2023.

Business News

Elon Musk Says New X Users Will Soon Have to Pay to Post on the Platform

X tested the initiative in New Zealand and the Philippines to combat the platform's bot problem.

Business News

Days After Layoffs, Tesla Pushes Stockholders to Approve Elon Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package

Tesla claims that Musk has not been paid in six years.


Los nuevos usuarios de X tendrán que pagar una cuota: Elon Musk

Según el empresario la finalidad de la cuota es erradicar la proliferación del spam y el uso indebido de bots.

Business News

Some Tesla Factory Workers Realized They Were Laid Off When Security Scanned Their Badges and Sent Them Back on Shuttles, Sources Say

On Monday morning, the officials picked out the workers who'd been laid off and sent them back in separate vans, the two workers said.


Los malos resultados obligan a Tesla a despedir a más de 14,000 empleados a nivel global

La empresa ha agradecido a más del 10% de sus empleados, debido a ajustes y recortes de gastos.

Business News

Elon Musk Informs Tesla Staff That Layoffs Will Affect at Least 14,000 Employees — Read the Leaked Email

The layoffs impact more than 10% of Tesla's 140,473-person workforce.

News and Trends

Elon Musk-led Tesla Signs a Strategic Deal with Tata Electronics for Semiconductor Chips

With Tata Electronics in India, Tesla may have inked a significant deal that would allow it to purchase certain essential semiconductor chips for its global electric vehicle operations.