Environment: Page 10

Business News

Big Data and Solar Energy Are a Match Made in Heaven

New forecasting technology may be the missing puzzle piece in solar's widespread adoption.

News and Trends

Plastic Waste – Where Are We Today?

The reason plastics have come into the limelight is because they are rarely recycled and often leak into the natural environment

Business News

8 Companies Utilizing AI to Tackle Climate Change

A look to how the private sector is responding to our environmental crisis.


5 Asian Startups That Are Trying to Solve The Plastic Problem

"There's one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate," - Former U.S. President Barack Obama

Growth Strategies

Here's How to Make Your Organic Food Business Grow

Going organic is not just a lifestyle fad but offers nutritional enhancement for a healthy diet. It is also sustainable & environmental friendly

Growing a Business

Renewable Energy Is a Hot Spot for Startup and Investment Opportunities

High potential abounds in the green space.

Women Entrepreneur®

How This Environmentally-Conscious Entrepreneur Is Following Her Passions

Catherine Morris didn't launch her biodegradable packaging business because that's where the market was going. She launched knowing there was a problem that needed to be solved, and now the market is coming to her.

Starting a Business

Examples of Environmentally-Friendly Business Ideas

If you're passionate about the environment these could be the business ideas for you. Here are 10 examples to give you insights into the industry to ensure your start-up becomes sustainable.

Green Entrepreneur®

4 Ways to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Data suggests that if people with compatible jobs worked from home just half the time, the national savings could total over $700 billion per year.

Growing a Business

The Company That Created Robot Pizza Trucks Is Now Pushing to Solve the Global Issue of Plastic Pollution

Zume is expanding past pizza and will manufacture compostable replacements for single-use plastics.


Importance of Technology in Sustainable Farming

In short, these new technologies help in changing the way in which agriculture can be managed, making farming sustainable

Business News

These European Startups Are Helping to Address the Microplastic Problem

The issue puts us and ocean life at risk, but companies and governments are starting to address the issue.


The Myth Around Electric Vehicles: Are They Really Eco-friendly?

EV's are affordable, efficient, clean for the environment: Recent Studies show otherwise!

Growth Strategies

Making Cultural Change Fast-paced: New-Gen HR

This empowers employees to become adaptable to change, to course-correct, but remain agile

Green Entrepreneur®

You Don't Have to Be Elon Musk to Make a Difference

Consumers are ever more impatient for brands to embrace the greater good.