
News and Trends

Top Funding Highlights: Startups of the Week [May 24–31]

The startups with the highest funding raised this week, from May 24 to May 31, are listed below. A quick rundown of them is as follows:

Business News

Google Leak Spills the Secret Sauce for Search Rankings — Here's What to Know

It's the biggest peek into Google's search secrets yet.

Business News

Google News, Discover Outage Affects Millions

An outage affected millions of Google users on Friday, the company confirmed to Entrepreneur.


Exhiben documentos que muestran cómo funciona el algoritmo de Google

La empresa de tecnología confirmó que los datos filtrados sobre su buscador son reales.

News and Trends

EcoRatings and Nanosafe Bags Early-Stage Funding

These Indian startups have disclosed their initial fundraising rounds.


El costo para desarrollar modelos de IA está alcanzando niveles astronómicos

Las empresas han tenido que invertir cientos de millones de dólares en el desarrollo de su tecnología, pero no han hecho lo mismo para garantizar la seguridad.

News and Trends

VC firm Lightbox Steps Down from the Dunzo Board Amid Ongoing Financial Difficulties

This represents the third-largest investor's exit from the company's board of directors, after Reliance Retail and Google, which exited the board of the quick commerce firm last year.


La inteligencia artificial de Google recomienda ponerle pegamento al queso de la pizza

La respuesta proporcionada por Gemini ha generado polémica y preocupación debido a su falta de lógica.

Business News

Google's New AI Search Results Are Already Hallucinating — Telling Users to Eat Rocks and Make Pizza Sauce With Glue

From pizza sauce recipes to fun facts, some AI search results need a fact-checker.


GPT-4o vs Gemini Live: ¿Cuál será el mejor asistente IA multimodal?

La palabra multimodal se pondrá de moda dentro de poco a medida que las empresas tecnológicas apuestan por la forma más atractiva de sus modelos de IA en su vida cotidiana.

Business News

OpenAI's New Deal Sees the ChatGPT Trailblazer Following a Competitor's Lead

OpenAI is treading on Google's AI-training territory following its new deal with Reddit.

Business News

How Google CEO Sundar Pichai Shook Up His Leadership Team for the AI Era

Pichai now has 18 direct reports, according to an internal org chart.

Business News

Inside the Life and Career of Larry Page, Google's Co-Founder and First CEO

As of April 2024, Page's net worth was around $143 billion.

Business News

Site Traffic Down? Here Are the Big AI Changes Google Made to Its Search Tool

Google's search changes have revenue-impacting implications for many websites.


Google dota a su buscador con IA y pone en alerta a los medios de comunicación

Las empresas editoriales temen que esta nueva función provoque la reducción de visitas a sus sitios y amenace su modelo de negocio.