Inventions: Page 2


Welcome A New Generation Of Entrepreneurs: Here Are The UAE Winners Of The James Dyson Awards 2020

This year's national James Dyson Award winners in the UAE is the Touch Device, an invention that can help people with visual impairments identify colors through lights and speech feedback.

Business Ideas

How Do You Know If You Have a Good Idea? Try These 3 Tests.

Here are three ways to test your invention ideas.

Thought Leaders

Inventors, Here's How to License Your Idea and Make Money

Your honest, no b.s. guide to profitable inventing.

Growing a Business

Protecting Your Critical Inventions On A Tight Budget

A three-step system to get the most value with little cost.

Business News

These 13-Year-Old Board Game Creators Can Teach All Entrepreneurs a Thing or Two

Lily Brown and Tait Hansen got an early crash course in how the business world works, and have some insights to share.

Starting a Business

Supporting The Next Generation Of Inventors: The James Dyson Award

As you might expect for a company founded by an engineer, creativity and ingenuity are at the heart of Dyson, and everything they do is driven by ideas that can spark solutions to global issues. That mission is reflected in the James Dyson Award, the James Dyson Foundation's global competition for young inventors.

Business News

Why Your Patent Is Probably Worthless

Filing on inventions that aren't marketable just helps enrich the Patent and Trademark Office.

Thought Leaders

10 Things You Didn't Realize Were Invented in the 1970s

From the first mobile phone to the Rubik's Cube, check out some of the most impactful inventions from the 1970s.


10 Things You Didn't Realize Were Invented in the 1980s

Without some of these inventions, we're not sure what life would be like today.

Business News

French Inventor Is First to Cross English Channel Using a Hoverboard

It wasn't an uninterrupted flight, but it was still historic.


How to de-risk innovation

In a country where there are 1.3 billion and in a world with over 6 billion more people, you have to make sure you know your reason for innovation

Growing a Business

10 Things You Didn't Realize Were Invented in the 1990s

From to Nintendo 64 -- there's much to attribute to the 1990s.

Thought Leaders

11 Ways to Stop Companies From Ripping Off Your Invention

Have a good idea? Don't give anyone a reason to work around you.

Growing a Business

This Entrepreneur Gets Inspiration From His Childhood Inventions

Leo Group managing partner Mossab Otman Basir was raised to push forward an any idea he had. Now his childhood creations remind him to always explore, innovate and iterate.

Growing a Business

From Entrepreneur to Shark: How 'Shark Tank' Helped Shape My American Dream

In 2013, Jaimie Siminoff pitched his wi-fi doorbell, but was rejected by the Sharks. This Sunday, the self-made billionaire becomes one of them.