Laws: Page 10

Science & Technology

California's 'Kill Switch' Bill Is One Step Away From Becoming Law

The legislation, which would require smartphone makers to include a preinstalled 'kill switch' on all smartphones sold in the state, has passed in the State Senate and now awaits the governor's signature.

Business News

T-Mobile Accused of Billing Customers for 'Bogus Charges'

The FTC filed a complaint alleging that the carrier had placed charges for unauthorized services -- such as flirting tips, horoscope information and celebrity gossip – on its customers' bills, taking a substantial cut and making hundreds of millions of dollars as a result.

Business News

Mixing Business and Friendship? Read This First.

If you're going into business with a friend, make sure you're prepared.

Growing a Business

A Primer on Patents: Who's Getting Them, Where and How Long It's Taking (Infographic)

As Washington continues to mull new patent legislation, here's a snapshot of the U.S. patent landscape.

Business News

Whose Trademark Is It Anyway?

Our expert speaks to the nuances of trademark law.

Data & Recovery

Google Faces Lawsuit Over Kids' In-App Purchases

Google is on the receiving end of a class-action lawsuit brought by parents whose kids unknowingly paid a substantial amount of money for in-app purchases.


3 Routes to Register Your Business Name

Your name is your brand, so it's important to protect it. Oh, and it's the law.

Science & Technology

French Courts Force Google to Air Indiscretion on Homepage

Following a failed appeal, Google was ordered by French courts post a notice on its homepage informing users that it would be paying a 150,000-euro fine over privacy violations.


Entrepreneurs Want Patent Trolls Gone, But Current Legislation Is Sloppy

The House of Representatives is expected to take up the Innovation Act today, but stakeholders fear that the increased paperwork required by the bill would be counterproductive.


4 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Franchise Attorney

If you're looking to run a franchise, you need to do everything in your power to protect yourself legally. Here's some advice.


As Startup Visa Bill Languishes, Entrepreneurs Leave the U.S.

Innovators drawn to the U.S. for education and research don't have time to wait for legislative action that would help them stay.


The FTC Recommends Sweeping Investigation of Patent Trolls

Edith Ramirez, chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission, intends to launch a comprehensive inquiry into patent-assertion entities.


Patent Trolls Hit With a One-Two Punch

Several lawmakers took action and proposed anti-trolling bills in the months leading up to Tuesday's White House crackdown.

Business Ideas

Obama Goes After 'Patent Trolls'

The White House announces executive actions and legislative recommendations Tuesday that aim to protect innovators from frivolous lawsuits.

Growing a Business

How to Avoid Workplace Political Spats

This election season, your employees may quarrel over candidates. Labor attorney Robin E. Shea offers tips, plus a free example of a harassment policy.