Marketing Basics: Page 3


4 Steps to Building A Profitable Digital Newsletter

Find the right market, target your approach and you can make a living off your digital newsletter. Here's how.


How to Turn Haters Into Raging Fans

Who says politics, religion or a controversial subject should be off limits for business owners? Find out why picking a fight can help power sales.


7 Website Essentials to Land More Sales (Infographic)

Consider improving these aspects of your website to attract customers and sales.


5 Simple Tips for Marketing to Nerds

Nerds, geeks, eggheads and wonks are an influential audience -- Nerdist's Chris Hardwick offers tips to reach them.


Do This Before You Build Your Next App and Other Must-Read Business Tips

A look at why you shouldn't build an app on gut instinct alone, why you should release product features one at a time and more advice for business owners.


How to Take Advantage of the Summer Slump

Don't get lazy -- use the summer slowdown to improve your marketing, branding and customer relationships.


Build a Better Understanding of Customers, Get a Competitive Advantage

Creating buyer personas, which include customer demographics and behavior, can be enormously helpful in persuading potential customers to choose you over a competitor.


Lori Greiner's Advice on How to Get Your Invention on Store Shelves

The 'Shark Tank' investor and inventor of over 400 products offers her advice to move your product from idea to sales.

Business News

What to Do When No One Responds to Your Pitch Emails

When your pitch emails go unanswered by members of the media, consider more subtle steps.

Business News

10 Ways to Stop Being a Jerk. Signed, Your Publicist

It's great to get media attention, but it's no silver bullet. Expecting or demanding too much can fritter away any good will you may have had.

Business News

8 Keys to Award Winning Startup Customer Service

It's a mistake to only consider customer service as an afterthought. Here are the keys to creating a world-class response system at your startup.

Business News

Dealing With Rejection: 5 Ways to Turn a No Into a Yes

Visionaries often hear 'no' when they first propose their big ideas. Find out when you should or shouldn't take no for an answer, and how to turn that no into a yes.

Business News

Why Pricing Should Be Your First Focus, Not Your Last

Entrepreneur Stephan Aarstol explains why pricing is the most important factor in launching your product or service.


Connecting With Customers: How to Market to Their Emotions

Zeroing in on the emotional benefit of your brand will earn you a loyal following. Here's how and why.


Marketing on a Dime: 3 Lessons From a First-Time CMO

Building a marketing plan on a budget requires a solid understanding of what makes products sell and who you need to target. Here are three fundamentals to keep in mind.