Meta: Page 9


Facebook ayudará a los usuarios a crear historias utilizando la inteligencia artificial

Se han filtrado reportes que indican una nueva función de Facebook que ayudará a los usuarios a generar contenido utilizando la inteligencia artificial.


Mark Zuckerberg aclara que Meta seguirá desarrollando su metaverso, ahora a la par de la inteligencia artificial

El fundador de Facebook niega los rumores de que la empresa ya no esté invirtiendo en el desarrollo del metaverso.

Business News

Google and Meta Execs Rake in Big Bonuses Despite Industry-Wide Layoffs

Meta employees questioned Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the generous bonuses awarded to C-suite executives amid company-wide layoffs and cost-cutting.

Business News

Meta Begins Latest Round of Layoffs Amid 'Year of Efficiency'

In March, the Facebook parent gave employees a timeline of what to expect over the next few months.

News and Trends

Meta Welcomes Teens Into Its Horizon Worlds

Prior to this, the Horizon Worlds was only catering to an audience of age 18 and above. The incoming audience will now be able to experience Meta's immersive nature and engage in popular games such as Arena Clash, Giant Mini Paddle Golf, American Idol VR, The Darkest Depths, and Pixel Plummet. Additionally, keeping audience safety as a priority, it has also included back-end protections and parental supervision tools.

Business News

Meta Spent $27.1 Million on 'Other Compensation' for Mark Zuckerberg in 2022 Including Security Costs and Private Plane

While the Meta CEO is paid a humble annual salary of $1, his security costs have racked up quite a tab.

Business News

Facebook May Owe You Money. Here's How to Find Out and Join the Class Action Lawsuit

If you've used Facebook in the last 16 years, you might be owed some compensation — and not just for your time.

Social Media

Has Meta Verified Ruined the Value of the Coveted Blue Check Mark?

Instagram verification is no longer only available to high-profile accounts; now, anyone with a driver's license can get verified.

Business News

Apple Is Reportedly Beginning a Small Round of Layoffs

The move is being positioned as a "streamlining effort."

Social Media

Meta Makes Verification Available For US Facebook and Instagram Users

United States users of Facebook and Instagram will be able to pay a monthly fee to get a blue check verifying their accounts.


Empleados de Meta interrogan a Mark Zuckerberg en una reunión de toda la empresa

El CEO respondió preguntas difíciles de empleados preocupados en una reunión de toda la empresa.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Meta Employees Interrogate Mark Zuckerberg in Town Hall Meeting

The CEO fielded tough questions from rattled staffers at an all-hands meeting.


Una empleada a la que despidieron de Meta dice que no tenía nada que hacer: 'Tenías que luchar para encontrar trabajo'

Mucho se ha escrito en medios digitales sobre la empresa y el despido a miles de empleados que no tenían trabajos reales.

Business News

A Laid-Off Meta Employee Says She Wasn't Given Anything to Do: 'You Had to Fight to Find Work'

Claims about the company laying off thousands of employees who didn't have real jobs have been discussed online.